Melanie Ryan HeART

I believe the Lord blesses us with talents, not for our own glory, but for His. I knew that if His love could shine through my ART then the evil of this world could not prevail.

Melanie Ryan HeART

Creating art, decor, murals, and paintings utilizing many mediums and tools. I have also completed restoration projects for murals, monuments, gravestones, and fiberglass forms.



I've been blessed to be able to create murals of all kinds, in different styles, with different subject matters. My goal is to create a mural that is unique to your needs. As well as fulfill aesthetic and design needs for each project.


I have begun to refer to myself as The Paint Paramedic. After being asked to do several restoration projects, I have found a real passion for "putting paint where it ain't!" I find that the process of bringing art and engraving back to life is challenging in the best way.


In 2014, I began my journey to share my heART through painting, a talent I had yet to share with others. I believe the Lord blesses us with talents, not for our own glory, but for His. I knew that if His love could shine through my ART then the evil of this world could not prevail.